Tapping To Wellness Program Sample

Here is bit of what you will experience in this remarkable program!

(you may want to pause the video until you have read and listened to the Yoga and Walk information)

Walking for Weight Release

With this program, you will walk 5 to 6 days per week. For the very first week you will start with a simple, steady -paced walk, just to get you started. This shouldn't be a stroll but a steady pace. While you don't want to push yourself to walk too fast, you don't want to make sure you make some effort to keep up a brisk pace. Make sure you start slowly, warm -up and then cool down toward the end of your walk.

After the first week you will do an interval walk. Instead of keeping a steady pace after you warm up, you'll alternate 30 seconds for fast walking with 30 seconds of moderate/easy walking. This method can increse your calorie burn by as much as 100 percent during your workout and afterward.

See the chart below for an idea on how the walk should go. Also don't forget to consult your calender to find out the days that you are to walk.

Click here for audio directions: https://soundcloud.com/thewellnessjourney/intorduction-to-yoga-for-weight-release-program/s-Fblz2

Yoga for Weight Release Program

This Yoga program is great for all women and especially for those dealing with various Menopausal symptoms. Menopause brings with it fluctuating hormones that mess with your sleep, pack on pounds of belly fat, and make you irritable and less interested in sex. But yoga can help. Yoga practice cut hot flashes by 31% in one study, and other research has found that regularly doing yoga improved libido, mood, and craving control. We asked Kimberly Fowler (pictured here), owner of YAS Fitness Centers, to create this 20-minute yoga with or without weights routine. It delivers all the benefits of yoga while also increasing muscle tone, which gradually decreases after age 30.

To do this workout, you’ll need a yoga mat and, when you’re comfortable with the sequence, 2-pound dumbbells. Schedule yoga-with-weights routines on alternate days—your muscles need time to rest and recover. Move from one pose to the next without stopping, adding the muscle moves when appropriate. 

Print the calender above and put in a place where you can see it. Also focus on the affirmations below as you learn the routine. Remember what we focus on, what we think about , surely does come to pass.

Affirmations: My body is restored to its natural state, perfect health!

I love and appreciate my body!

My body is getting stronger every day.

I enjoy strengthening and conditioning my body.

Click here for audio directions: https://soundcloud.com/thewellnessjourney/intorduction-to-yoga-for-weight-release-program/s-Fblz2

A sample of some of the great nutritious, low calorie recipes that are part of the program.

( all of the recipes are printable!)

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